Our Opportunities

Welcome to the Wisconsin Scholarship Hub (WiSH)!

Below, you will find a listing of scholarship opportunities available to students with information about the applications, deadlines, eligibility criteria, award amounts, donors, and more. UW-Madison scholarships consider students for awards using a holistic framework that may include, but is not limited to, academic achievement, past and potential contributions, service and leadership, and financial need. To begin applying to scholarships, please sign in with your NetID and complete the brief General Application. Based on your answers in the General Application, you will be directed to fill out more specific scholarship applications for which you are eligible.

For general scholarship information, FAQs, scholarship cycle timelines, program and contact information for your School/College, and information on external scholarships, please visit our Scholarships Page.

Incoming Undergraduate Students

As an incoming student, it is important to activate your UW-Madison NetID and password as soon as you apply to the University. Most scholarships for incoming students are automatically offered by your School/College based on your application for admission to UW-Madison. However, there are also some program-specific scholarship applications that you may complete if you are eligible and interested. Those applications typically open in October-November and have deadlines in early February, so don’t wait until you know your admission status to apply and be sure to log in to WiSH regularly! For more information on scholarship processes, please see the Eligibility & Process section of our Scholarships Page and explore undergraduate scholarships using the saved searches below:

International Student Scholarships

International students are eligible for many scholarships at UW–Madison. Like all students, WiSH allows international students to explore the scholarships they are eligible for, be considered for those with automatic offers when their NetID is activated, and apply to any scholarships that require additional information for consideration. For more information on international student scholarships, please see our Scholarships page. For more information on resources for international students, please see the links below:

Common Searches

Below are some saved searches of some of the most commonly searched terms. For other common searches and helpful filters, please click the Show Filters button in the upper right corner of this page.

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Opportunities Table
Award Name Actions
Four Year, Full-Tuition Scholarship First Wave Scholarship Program
Administered by the Office of Multicultural Arts Initiatives, the First...
$3,000 Hilldale Undergraduate/Faculty Research Fellowships and Holstrom Environmental Research Fellowships
The Hilldale Undergraduate/Faculty Research Fellowships and Holstrom...
$125 Outstanding Creative Media Project Award
The Outstanding Creative Media Project Award provides a one-time award...
$1,000 Justice William A. Bablitch Fellowship
The Justice William A. Bablitch Fellowship honors the life and memory of...
$1,300 Ramón Alvarado Memorial Scholarship
The Ramón Alvarado Memorial Scholarship was created in memory of Ramón...
$2,500 Richard B. Bilder Scholarship
The Richard B. Bilder Scholarship was created in honor of Richard B....
$1,500 Steven J. Thompson Family Courage and Compassion Scholarship
The Steven J. Thompson Family Courage and Compassion Scholarship...
$5,000 Center for the Ecology and the Environment: Aldo Leopold Graduate Research Award
We are seeking applications for a Graduate Research Award for the 2025...
Up to $5,000 Deborah A. Hobbins Graduate Student Award in Reproductive Health, Rights, and Justice
The Center for Research on Gender and Women offers a competitive award...
Up to $1,000 Hyde Dissertation Research Award
The Center for Research on Gender and Women offers a competitive award...
$800.00 Irene De Cleene Award
Irene L. De Cleene Scholarship was established to support graduate or...
$800.00 John Clarence De Cleene Award
The John Clarence De Cleene Scholarship supports one or more graduate or...
$1,000 Ruth Bleier Scholarship in the Natural Sciences
The Ruth Bleier Scholarship in the Natural Sciences was established to...
$1,500.00 Scholarship in LGBTQ+ Studies (Kaplan Award)
This scholarship is intended to encourage students who pursue LGBTQ+...
$6,000 Stephen M. Born-Henry’s Fork Foundation Internship Scholarship
Eligibility Criteria The purpose of this scholarship award is to support...
Varies Wisconsin International Scholars (WISc) Program
The Wisconsin International Scholars (WISc) program fosters a community...
Varies Worcester/Whatley/Leavitt Scholarship
The Worcester/Whatley/Leavitt Award is given to a graduate student at...
$1000-$2000 Alberta A. Taylor Scholarship
The Alberta A. Taylor Scholarship provides a one-time award to a...
$300-$500 Alice V. Almasy Memorial Scholarship
The Alice V. Almasy Scholarship provides a one-time award to a junior or...
$1,000.00 Angelina and Jesús Carreño Scholarship
The Angelina and Jesus Carreno Scholarship provides a one-time award to...
$1000-$3000 Ann Durra Scholarship
The Ann M. Durra Scholarship provides a one-time award to high-achieving...
$500-$1,000 Betty Ann Clark (Tracy) Scholarship
The Betty Ann Clark Tracy scholarship provides a one-time award to a...
$500 - $2,000 Betty Nelson Humanities Scholarship for Sophomores, Junior & Seniors
The Betty J. Nelson Humanities Scholarship provides one-time awards to...
$0.00 CDIS Corporate Scholarship
Up to $1,000 Charles H. Holbrow Memorial Scholarship
The Charles H. Holbrow Memorial Scholarship provides a one-time award to...
$500-$1000 College of Letters & Science General Scholarship - Juniors & Seniors
The Letters & Science General Scholarship provides one-time awards to...
$500-$1,000 College of Letters & Science General Scholarship - Sophomores
The College of Letters & Science General Scholarship provides one-time...
$2000-$5000 David H. Durra Scholarship
The David H. Durra Scholarship provides a one-time award to high...
$1500-$3000 Earl D. Johnson Endowed Scholarship
The Earl D. Johnson Scholarship provides a one-time award to a high...
$500-$1000 Elizabeth and Troy Barnett Family Scholarship
The Elizabeth and Troy Barnett Family Scholarship provides a one-time...
$500-$1,000 Fearn Cook Low Scholarship
The Fearn Cook Low Scholarship provides a one-time award to high...
$500-$1,000 Florence Waste Pulver Scholarship
The Florence Waste Pulver scholarship provides one-time awards to a high...
$500 - $1,500 George Enfield Frazer Jr. Scholarship
The George Enfield Frazer Scholarship provides a one-time award to a...
$1,000-$1,500 Jane Goddard Scholarship
The Jane Goddard Scholarship provides a one-time award to a high...
$500.00 Jay C. Halls Scholarship
The Jay C. Halls Scholarship provides a one-time award to high achieving...
$2500 - $5000 Joan and C. Michael Spero Scholarship
The Joan and C. Michael Spero Scholarship provides a one-time award to...
$1,000 for 3 years Kathy and Clark Gridley Scholarship
The Kathy and Clark Gridley Scholarship provides a renewable...
$1,000-$1,500 Leo and Jean Besozzi Scholarship
The Leo and Jean Besozzi scholarship provides a one-time award to high...
$300-$500 Margaret E. and Allard Smith Undergraduate Scholarship
The Margaret and Allard Smith Undergraduate scholarship provides a...
$2,000 - $5,000 Marilyn T. and C. Vernon Howard Moral Obligation Scholarship
The Marilyn T. and C. Vernon Howard Moral Obligation Scholarship...
$400-$750 Marion A. Hicks Scholarship
The Marion A. Hicks scholarship provides a one-time award to high...
$750-$1500 Martha J. Harrison Scholarship
The Martha J. Harrison scholarship provides a one-time award to a high...
$500-$1,500 Mary Schreiber LeBlanc & Duwayne LeBlanc Scholarship
The Mary Schreiber LeBlanc & Duwayne LeBlanc Scholarship provides a...
$2,000-$3,000 Merlin E. Silverthorn Scholarship
The Merlin E. Silverthorn scholarship provides one-time awards to high...
$500-$1,000 Neha Suri Scholarship
The Neha Suri scholarship provides a one-time award to a continuing...
$500-$1,500 Ornstein-Warendorf Scholarship
The Ornstein-Warendorf scholarship provides a one-time award to a high...
$500-$1,000 Paul R.Carpenter Scholarship
The Paul R. Carpenter Scholarship provides a one-time award to a high...
$500-$1,000 Ralph B. Abrams Scholarship
The Ralph B. Abrams Scholarship provides a one-time award to rising...
$1000 - $1,500 Richard W. Belekevich Scholarship
The Richard W. Belekevich Scholarship provides a one-time award to a...
$500-$1000 Shana J. Heimerl Memorial Scholarship
The Shana J. Heimerl Memorial Scholarship provides a one-time award to...