School of Education Internship Scholarship

This scholarship provides funds to enable School of Education undergraduate students in selected majors to accept an unpaid or low paid internship related to their major. Funds can be used to cover or supplement hourly wages or to pay for internship-related expenses such as transportation, relocation, or housing. Students who meet the qualifications are eligible to receive this scholarship one time.

Who Qualifies:

  • Undergraduates (juniors given priority) enrolled in the following School of Education majors: Art, Dance, Education Studies, Health Promotion & Health Equity, and Theatre & Drama.
  • Students with financial need, based on their Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Students who cannot or do not complete the FAFSA may still be eligible to apply. Please contact Lynn Sankey in the School of Education Career Center ( with questions.
  • Students participating in an unpaid or low paid internship. If you have a paid internship but need support for internship-related expenses such as transportation, housing, or living expenses you may apply.
    • Scholarship-eligible internships:
      • Connect to a student’s academic program and career interests
      • Provide substantive learning experiences (around 150+ hours)
      • Include clear expectations with supervision and feedback built into the experience

How to Apply:

  • Log in to WiSH and complete the General Application and the Supplemental Questions for the School of Education Internship Scholarship.
  • Upload information requested for the internship, e.g., internship description, offer/acceptance letter.

School of Education Career Center staff will notify applicants about the result of their application on a rolling basis. Students who accept a scholarship will be required to complete a post-internship survey which includes a summary paragraph about their experience. Additional post-internship requests will include an optional photo and/or the opportunity to share the experience with other students or donors.

Questions about this scholarship or application? Please contact Lynn Sankey (

School of Education Career Center
Supplemental Questions
  1. Please select your School of Education major(s).
  2. What is the name of the employing organization?
  3. What is the title of the internship position you will hold?
  4. What is the location of the internship (city, state, country, virtual, hybrid)?
  5. What is the start and end date of the internship? (MM/DD/YY - MM/DD/YY)
  6. How many hours per week will you work?
  7. Is your internship:
  8. If paid, indicate the dollar amount you will receive and corresponding frequency of payment. (Examples might include: $15.00/hour or $300.00/week or $1,200.00/month or $3,000.00 total stipend.)
  9. Will you be receiving other scholarships or funding support for this experience?
  10. If you answered "Yes" to the previous question, please provide the source of the funds and the amount.
  11. Are you enrolling in internship course credit related to this experience?
  12. If enrolling in an internship course for credit, please indicate which course.
  13. If offered scholarship funds, how do you plan to use them? (Select all that apply.)
  14. If you selected "Other" in the previous question, please provide more information.
  15. How does this internship connect to your academic and career goals?
  16. Is there anything else you would like us to consider about your financial situation before submitting your application?
  17. Please describe the current status of your internship search.
  18. Please upload a copy of the position description detailing the responsibilities you will have in this role.
  19. Please upload a copy of your offer letter, if you have received one.
  20. Show 14 more