Alice D. Mortenson Russian History Award

The Department of History is pleased to offer the Alice D. Mortenson Russian History Award. We are grateful to our alumna, Alice Mortenson, for her generous support. The Mortenson scholarships ($3,000) will be awarded to up to three undergraduate students interested in Russian history. Recipients will have taken at least one course on the history of the Russian Empire or the Soviet Union at UW-Madison.

For questions about this award or for technical support completing this application, please contact:

Department of History
Supplemental Questions
  1. What is your expected graduation date? (Month, Year)
  2. Are you a declared History major?
  3. Are you a declared History certificate?
  4. If you are not already a declared History major or History certificate, do you intend to declare?
  5. Please list the courses you have taken that have helped form your knowledge of Russian history and/or Russian language.
  6. For what purpose are you applying for these funds?
  7. Please upload a proposal that details how would use the funds from the Alice D. Mortenson Russian History Award, if selected. If you are applying for the Mortenson as a research award, your proposal should outline the research topic and specify the methodology, timeline for archival visits, and a budget for how the funds would be applied. If you are applying for the Mortenson as a scholarship or study abroad award, please specify why you are especially qualified to receive this award, how this award would further your study of Russian history, and include a budget for how the funds would be applied. Proposals should not exceed five double spaced pages.
  8. Have you already applied for or received other sources of funding for the same research project or study abroad experience? If so, please list them here.
  9. Please upload your most up-to-date UW-Madison unofficial transcript here. For instructions on how to do this, go to:

    Request unofficial transcript

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