Henry Anderson III Graduate Student Award in Environmental and Occupational Public Health

The Henry Anderson III Graduate Student Award in Environmental and Occupational Public Health from the Global Health Institute (GHI) supports UW-Madison graduate or health professional students interested in pursuing research in the areas of environmental and occupational public health—that is the study of the role of environmental or occupational factors as determinants of health. Research topics might include (but not be exclusive to) health effects from pollution or toxins (air, water, food, noise, etc.), physical hazards (e.g. extreme climatic events), occupational hazards (workplace chemicals, biologicals, ergonomic issues, etc.), urban health (from urban design related to physical and/or mental health promotion) or ecosystem disruption and/or natural resource depletion and disease emergence.

Preference will be given to graduate students in the “allied health” professions (Schools of Medicine and Public Health, Pharmacy, Nursing, Veterinary Medicine), those pursuing other local or international environmental public health projects, such as dual degree MD-MPH or DVM-MPH, and Pathway of Distinction students doing environmental public health projects. Students pursuing the Graduate/ Professional/Capstone Certificate in Global Health are also eligible to apply.

GHI will make an award of $5,000 for a duration of one year. The award may be used for project supplies and expenses but not tuition, program fees, salaries, or stipends.

Supplemental Questions
  1. Proposal Requirements

    The proposal should clearly address:
    • How the project will advance the vision and mission of GHI and the applicant’s project/research.
    • Why GHI funding is essential for the project/research.
    • What other sources of funding the applicant is pursuing.
    • Budgets must be reviewed for compliance with both UW System and the applicant’s divisional travel and financial policies by the appropriate grants administrator and/or financial supervisor in the applicant’s department or division prior to submitting the final application. It is the applicant’s responsibility to know and comply with UW System and his or her own divisional policies and procedures, when applicable.
    • Previous Anderson award recipients are not eligible to apply.
    The application deadline for all proposals is 11:59 p.m. March 2, 2025.

    I have read and agree to these terms and conditions.
  2. The following application components must be on single-spaced, numbered pages (11-point font or larger, 1-inch margins) assembled into a single PDF file:
    • GHI Title Page, including abstract: Use GHI template found online
    • Project description (up to 4 pages), including the following sections:
      1) Introduction, including how the project fits the vision and mission of GHI
      2) Aims/Hypotheses
      3) Methods
      4) Relevance to Global Health
    • Detailed budget, including justification. Detailed budget giving breakdowns of expenditures, as appropriate. Include justification for each line item in the budget. Describe what alternative sources of funding the applicant has or is pursuing. Salaries, tuition, program fees, and stipends cannot be supported with these funds. Award is in the form of 233-type gift funds, which must be spent in compliance with all UW and divisional finance policies. Budget must be reviewed for compliance with UW System and divisional travel and financial policies by the appropriate financial supervisor in the applicant’s department or division prior to submitting the final application. The name of the person reviewing the budget must be listed on the GHI Application Title Page in Box 10.
    • Bio-sketch. A copy of the applicant’s bio-sketch completed using the NIH Biographical Sketch Format Page: https://grants.nih.gov/grants/forms/biosketch.htm
    • References. Must include a letter of support from either the applicant’s advisor, field course director, or the director of the Graduate/Professional/Capstone Certificate in Global Health program, whomever is appropriate.
  3. The following considerations apply to GHI Awards:
    • Awards will be announced in late March and funds will be available soon after awardees are notified. The project should be completed within one calendar year following the award announcement date.
    • As a condition of receiving GHI funding, recipients agree to:
      1) Write a thank-you letter to the donor, Dr. Henry Anderson III, within one month of being notified of the award. Deliver the letter to the Global Health Institute for transmission to the donor;
      2) Acknowledge GHI funding in all resulting publications and presentations (sample text: “This project was funded/partially funded through a Henry Anderson III Graduate Student Award from the University of Wisconsin-Madison Global Health Institute.”); and
      3) Provide a final accountability report to GHI regarding use of funds

    I have read and agree to these terms and conditions.