E&J Net Dissertation/Project/Thesis Fellowship

The School of Human Ecology Equity and Justice Network initiative, supports the continued evolution of our school into a community wherein people with diverse backgrounds find success, share knowledge, and advance justice. The E&J Net Fellowship is available to SoHE graduate students needing a final boost of dedicated time and/or financial support to complete their dissertation, creative project, or thesis. Fellowships can be requested for one or two academic semesters, 12 weeks during the summer, or a combination of academic semester and summer, and will include dissertator tuition and eligibility for health insurance benefits. Stipends are commensurate with fellowship rates set by the UW-Madison Graduate School.

For additional application information, please see here: https://uwmadison.box.com/s/5xvljgjbqbupujlclatiovqd61e1s6jp

Supplemental Questions
  1. Please upload the following as a single document (.pdf, .doc, or .docx): 1) A dissertation/project/thesis abstract and progress report specifying what you have accomplished to date. 2) An explicit plan and timeline for completion of your dissertation, project, or thesis. 3) A one-page letter from your faculty advisor with this single sentence and their signature: “I have reviewed this proposal and affirm that the proposed work is feasible within the fellowship period.”
  2. Which Fellowship duration are you requesting?
  3. For which time period are you applying?