IAP Badgers Go Green Abroad

As part of our Commitment to Sustainability, we are excited to offer the Badgers Go Green Scholarship to undergraduate students who also have a commitment to sustainability.

Awards are given in the following amounts:
$5000 towards semester programs
$8000 towards year long programs

Eligibility Requirements
This scholarship is open to undergraduate students who:
- apply to a UW-Madison Study Abroad approved semester or year-long program
- have a demonstrated interest/commitment to sustainability (as demonstrated through application essays), including concrete actions plans during and after the program to demonstrate this commitment

Give Back
Recipients are required to share their commitment toward sustainability abroad either while on-site during their program or upon their return to campus. Students will be allowed to propose their give-back while also being given guidance about possible give back options including but not limited to:
- Choosing to volunteer on-site in support of local sustainability efforts;
- Joining or participating in a related co-curricular opportunity on the program like a campus sustainability group, take part in program sustainability events, etc.
- Present your program give back activity at a UW-Madison campus sustainability event like the annual Sustainability Symposium.
Documentation of the activity is required and could be in the form of a blog, video, Instagram take-over, posterboard presentation for campus event, presentation to prospective study abroad students or a student organization, etc.

International Academic Programs (IAP)
Supplemental Questions
  1. Are you a full-time, degree-seeking undergraduate student at UW-Madison?
  2. In 750 words or less, or audio file of 3 minutes or less address the prompts.

    How have you demonstrated a commitment to sustainability during your time at UW-Madison through your course of study, work or volunteering?
  3. In 750 words or less, or audio file of 3 minutes or less address the prompts.

    How is sustainability incorporated into your academic, personal, and professional goals at UW, and how will your intended study abroad program help you meet them?
  4. In 750 words or less, or audio file of 3 minutes or less address the prompts.

    How will you integrate sustainability in your study abroad program experience, and how you plan to share your experience with the greater UW-Madison community during or after your program?