DDEEA Global Scholars Scholarship

The DDEEA Global Scholars scholarship supports UW-Madison students enrolled/affiliated to programs in the Division of Diversity, Equity & Educational Achievement (DDEEA). This scholarship supports DDEEA students who plan to take part in a study or intern abroad program (including study away) offered by UW-Madison. Applicants must be in the process of applying, or have already applied, to a program for the eligible term. Funding for this cycle is only open for winter intersession 2025 programs.

Eligibility Criteria
Students must participate in one of the following programs within the DDEEA:

  • Center for Educational Opportunity
  • Mercile J. Lee Scholars (Chancellor’s & Powers Knapp Scholarship Program)
  • DDEEA Interns
  • First Wave
  • McNair Scholars
  • Indigenous Student Services Scholars
  • Posse Program

Students must be in the process of applying, or have already applied, to a UW-Madison program.
Students must have at least one semester on UW-Madison’s campus after returning from their program
Students must commit to attending a DDEEA Global Scholars Scholarship pre-departure session and completing Global Scholars Project, upon return.

How to Apply
The application deadline is September 27, 2024. If your program application isn’t required to be completed until after this date, you must still submit your scholarship application by this date to be considered; however, you must already be in the process of applying to your program in order to be eligible for this scholarship. Incomplete scholarship applications or paper application submissions will not be considered. To apply, please log into Wisconsin Scholarship Hub (WiSH) through your student center or by logging in directly using the ‘My Applications’ button at the top of this page. Make sure you have answered “Yes” to the following question in the WiSH general application: Do you plan to participate in an approved study abroad, intern abroad, or domestic study away program during the next two academic years (including summers) (2024-25 or 2025-26)? You can find and apply to an approved program at www.studyabroad.wisc.edu.

Selection Criteria
Student applications will undergo a holistic review to include the following considerations:

  • Financial Need
  • Good Academic Standing
  • Connection of Program to Major/Career Goals
  • First Time Studying or Interning Abroad/Away
  • First Generation College Student
  • Socioeconomic Status
  • Two Short Essays
  • Other awards received/offered for study abroad (UW-Madison, DDEEA, or External Funding)

Award Information
Scholarship amounts may vary and range between $500 – $3,000 toward cost of attendance for UW Study Abroad program.

Conditions of Award
Completion of the program is a requirement of the scholarship. In addition, recipients are required to meet with DDEEA Advisor/Staff prior to their departure and upon return from their program and complete the DDEEA Global Scholars Project. The Global Scholars Project will connect the academic, career, and personal goals that the students share in their application essay to their lived experience while abroad through documentation of their experience and a reflection project upon their return. Scholars will meet for a pre-departure session to work with the DDEEA Staff to review this project requirement and create a skills and goals template to guide their documentation while abroad. Sample of previous projects include and are not limited to: blogging, writing, visual documentation, videos, recorded audio, power points, podcasts, or a combination of sources.

Visit program site

International Academic Programs (IAP)
Supplemental Questions
  1. In which DDEEA-Affiliated Program, Service, or Center do you participate?
  2. Who is your advisor for the DDEEA-Affiliated Program, Service or Center?
  3. Have you met with your DDEEA-Affiliated advisor about your study abroad plans?
  4. What are your intended major/s and certificate?
  5. Is your intended study abroad program four weeks or longer?
  6. Have you been accepted into this study abroad program?
  7. Have you received any funding or scholarships to support this study abroad program?
  8. If Yes, please list all scholarships, fellowships, awards or grants with the amounts you have received.
  9. Have you previously participated in a study abroad program?
  10. If Yes, please tell us where, when and for how long you studied.
  11. In submitting this application I confirm and agree to the following requirements for eligibility:
    1. I participate in or receive services from a program, office, center or service within the Division of Diversity, Equity & Educational Achievement
    2. I have applied to a UW Madison-International Academic Programs (IAP) study abroad program
    3. I will have at least one semester on UW Madison's campus after I return from my study abroad program
    4. I commit to the DDEEA Study Abroad Scholarship pre-departure and upon return requirements

    • Meet with DDEEA-affiliated program/service advisor for program review and various requirements
    • Commit to complete the Global Scholars Project
    • Attend the DDEEA Pre-departure Session

    • Attend a DDEEA Returned Study Abroad Session to workshop their Global Scholars Project and submit a completed Global Scholars Project before the end of the semester after their return
  12. Why do you want to study abroad? (limit to 500 words, or audio file length limit of 3 minutes or less)
  13. How does studying abroad in this program connect to your academic, professional/future, and personal goals? (limit to 500 words, or audio file length limit of 3 minutes or less)
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