Simons Family Diversity in Science Research Fellowship

The Simons Family Diversity in Science Research Award supports a summer research experience for meritorious undergraduates who have completed their freshman or sophomore years at the UW-Madison or another higher education institution, (at least one, but no more than four semesters of coursework at the time of application; Advanced Placement credits do not count in this total.) The fellowship is open to undergraduates regardless of their major. Support will be provided for summer research, with the possibility of support for a second summer, if funds are available. This award includes financial support and participation in a coordinated research community of support.

Successful applicants will demonstrate a strong interest in science and a commitment to science oriented career goals, and possess the potential to conduct scientific research with a UW-Madison faculty member. Support will be provided for an upcoming summer research experience, with the possibility of renewal for a second summer if funds are available. We expect that the fellowships will allow an immersive experience in research without distractions from other academic or work commitments.

Eligible recipients must be undergraduates who have interest in the biological sciences, with strong academic records, and science oriented career goals. Students must be in and maintain good standing and full-time status. The scholarship supports research experiences in the labs of Integrative Biology faculty or Integrative Biology affiliate faculty only. These faculty are listed at: Integrative Biology Faculty and Affiliated Faculty with Integrative Biology.

Mentored Research Community: To foster learning communities, we hope to pair fellows and place them in the same research lab. Although they will have separate research projects, pairing will foster a group experience in science.

This fellowship is made available by the generosity of the Simons Family to foster diversity in the biological sciences and the Department of Integrative Biology by providing support for summer research experiences.

Student financial aid packages can be impacted by awards. It is recommended that students contact the financial aid office to learn about impact on current aid packages.

Department of Integrative Biology
Supplemental Questions
  1. (Simons) Please describe your interest in the biological sciences and your career goals. What role do you envision your scientific education plays in shaping your future aspirations? Please describe strategies you use for educational success.
  2. (Simons) An objective of this opportunity is to foster diversity in science. How will your ability to complete financially supported summer research impact your ability to participate in scientific research?
  3. (Simons) Is there any other information the scholarships committee should know about you pertaining to the review and assessment of your application? This is your opportunity to tell us about any extenuating circumstances (financial, educational gaps or timeline, or other), challenges, identity and/or family experiences and history, exceptional talents or accomplishments, or other factors that are not contained in other areas of the application that may impact its review. Diversity of all kinds is valued. We welcome you to share information about communities with which you identify. Please be specific when presenting the additional information while honoring your need for privacy and discretion.
  4. (Simons) Our expectation is that you are able to immerse yourself in research over the summer. However, we also recognize that applicants may have obligations that make this impossible, and we are willing to show some flexibility. Although the expectation is for support of 400 hours (e.g., 40 hours per week for 10 weeks) in the summer, do you have any obligations that make 400 hours impossible?
  5. (Bunge & Simons) After the fall grades have been recorded (late December/early January), please upload your most up-to-date unofficial transcript. For instructions on how to do this, go to

    Request unofficial transcript

    If you are submitting your application prior to the posting of fall semester grades, please return to your application after grades have been posted and upload your transcript at that time. Applications without fall semester grades may be adversely evaluated.
  6. (Simons) The Simons Family Diversity in Scientific Research Scholarship provides financial support and engagement in a research community of support. Embedded research community requirements include weekly meetings with other Simons Family fellows. With input from the mentor, awardees will compose a research summary of the work they accomplished at the end of their award.. If selected as a recipient, do you agree to these requirements?
  7. (Simons) If you would like, please provide a list of faculty with whom you are interested in conducting summer research. Indicate whether you have already contacted any of them. Whether or not you list faculty, and whether you have contacted them, will not be used in evaluating your application. If you have not identified faculty to conduct research with, the review committee will evaluate your application and suggest compatible research projects.
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