Manny Ross Great Thinkers Scholarship

The scholarship will support undergraduate students in their intellectual pursuit of literary criticism, philosophy, and great thinkers. Examples of great thinkers may include but are not limited to Shakespeare, Freud, and Churchill. The scholarship will be a merit-based award that is given annually to a student in the top 10% GPA (3.90 and above) in the College of Letters & Science with a demonstrated interest in humanities and/or humanistic social sciences. The scholarship award is $5,000 – $10,000 depending on the number of selected finalists. Awards to finalists will paid out at the start of the spring term.

This scholarship was established by the McGonigle Family in honor of the birthday of Manny Ross.

For more general information about Letters & Science scholarships visit the L&S Scholarships website.

$5,000 - $10,000
College of Letters and Science
Supplemental Questions
  1. What is your expected graduation date? (Month/Year)
  2. (LS) Like other information content and sources, generative artificial intelligence (AI) can support the development of original ideas but should not be used to write your essays and not be presented as your original work. As a student at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, I agree to adhere to UW-Madison's conduct standards of honesty and integrity. Falsification would violate the core principles of the UW-Madison mission. As such, I will properly credit the sources used in my written submission for this application.
  3. This scholarship was created to support and encourage students in the study of the humanities and humanistic social sciences. It will be awarded on the basis of an essay that demonstrates intellectual engagement with great works of philosophy, literature, art or historiography. Please choose any two thinkers, major ideas, literary works, works of art or history writing (and they need not both be of the same genre — for example, you might choose a philosopher and a painting) and explain why you are interested in them and how they have contributed to your intellectual or creative developement. In the course of your discussion, please explain why you think the study of the humanities and humanistic social sciences are important in a university education.(500 word limit)
  4. Please include your resume, no more than 2 pages.
    If you would like resume writing assistance, please contact SuccessWorks at You are strongly encouraged to have your resume reviewed prior to submitting.
  5. Please upload your most up-to-date unofficial transcript. If you are unsure how to do this, visit the Registrar's website for instructions on how to request your unofficial transcript.
  6. (MGT) Please enter the name and email address of your recommender. WiSH will automatically generate a request for an uploaded letter of recommendation. It is best practice for you to discuss your request with your recommender outside of the automatic process. A recommendation is strongly recommended for this award.
  7. (MGT) Is there any other information the Review Committee should know about you pertaining to the review and assessment of your application? This is your opportunity to tell us about any circumstances, challenges, identity and/or family experiences and history, exceptional talents or accomplishments, lived experiences or other factors that are not contained in other areas of the application that may impact its review. L&S values diversity of all kinds and we welcome you to share information about communities with which you identify. Please be specific when presenting the additional information while honoring your need for privacy and discretion.
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