School of Journalism & Mass Communication Summer Internship Support

About the Scholarships:
The School of Journalism and Mass Communication (SJMC) provides students with a variety of summer internship scholarships to help offset the costs of unpaid internships and/or low paying internships in high-cost cities. The following are the scholarships and subsequent criteria that have been generously provided through donations of UW-Madison alumni, friends, and supporters.

Ben and Karen Deutsch Internship Fund: For any undergraduate SJMC student who meets the criteria below.

School of Journalism and Mass Communication Board of Visitors: For any undergraduate or graduate student who meets the criteria below.

Patricia Simms Journalism Scholarship Fund: Preference will be given to any student interning with the Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism – scholarship is $500.

Everyone Has a Story Fund: For any undergraduate student in the Reporting Track.

Kelleher Internship Fund: Preference will be given to students who graduated from a Wisconsin high school.

Eklund Fund: For any undergraduate or graduate student who meets the criteria below.

To be eligible you must:
• Be enrolled in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication with a graduation date after December 2025.
• Be on campus and enrolled in school during the Fall 2025 semester.
• Have applied for, secured, or been accepted for a summer internship. The internship must last a minimum of six weeks and involve a minimum of 120 hours of work, with a minimum of 20 hours/week.
• Show proof of internship(s) – if you applied for more than one; this may include a copy of the completed application, time period and hours of internship, a complete description of job duties and responsibilities, and include the amount of pay or stipend being provided. If already accepted into the internship, a letter from the supervisor confirming acceptance. If you are still in the process, you can upload a copy of email communications.
• Have someone serve as your reference, e.g. a professor or supervisor who can speak to your strengths and abilities.

The following criteria will be taken into account:
• How this internship will benefit you in regard to your personal and professional goals.
• How this scholarship assistance will enable you (be specific) to participate in this internship opportunity.
• Your motivation and passion for the internship and why you specifically want this opportunity.
• The breakdown of anticipated expenses during the summer of your internship.
• Preference will be given to students who may not have had any internship experiences to date related to their personal/professional goals and/or have a financial need.

Application Deadline:
Monday, April 7, 2025, 11:59 p.m.

Please Note:
Internships at a partisan political organization and/or for a legislator cannot be considered.

Before you begin this application, be sure that you have created a combined PDF file that contains the following documents:
Resume – Include all internships and experiences.
Internship Description(s) – if you have more than one potential internship, please list all of them.
Start/End Dates of Internship – Number of hours/week of internship; payment or stipend; whether you are required to receive credit.
Proof of Internship Acceptance
• The Name and Email Address of the person who is serving as your reference for this scholarship, e.g. a professor or supervisor. That person will be receiving an email from our office with the recommendation form.

School of Journalism and Mass Communication
Supplemental Questions
  1. Preferred Mailing Address
  2. Cell Phone
  3. Anticipated Graduation Date
  4. Have you applied and/or received any other funding for your summer internship opportunity?
  5. If you answered yes to the question above, please list all funding and amounts.
  6. How will this internship benefit you in regard to your personal and professional goals? (Be specific – this should be between half a page to one page)
  7. How will this scholarship assistance enable you (be specific) to participate in this internship opportunity? (This should be between half a page to one page)
  8. Describe your motivation and passion for the internship and why you are specifically applying for this opportunity? (This should be between half a page to one page)
  9. What is the breakdown of anticipated expenses the summer during your internship? (Please be specific with your budget – include all anticipated costs or expenses – rent/housing costs, transportation, additional expenses)
  10. Please upload your combined PDF file that contains the following: resume, internship description(s), include all if you applied for more than one, start/end dates of the internship, proof of internship acceptance, and the name and email address of the person you want to serve your reference for this award.
  11. Please write in the *Name and Email Address* of the person you want to serve as your reference for this scholarship. That person will be receiving an email from our office with the recommendation form.
  12. I understand that if this scholarship amount exceeds my financial aid limit, Student Financial Services will apply the award to loans in my financial aid package. I will not be able to collect the extra funds, but will owe less to creditors when I graduate.
  13. I understand that I must be enrolled in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication in order to receive this scholarship. If I transfer to another school or college, I understand that I will no longer be eligible to receive this scholarship.
  14. By submitting your application, you are agreeing to the following:
    • I authorize the School of Journalism and Mass Communication to obtain additional information to verify contents of my application.
    • I certify that all the information I have provided on this application is true, correct, and complete.
    • If granted this scholarship, I understand that I am required to write a letter of appreciation and a one-page essay describing my internship experience to the Board of Visitors and/or donors. I also understand that I must be willing to meet with the members of the Board of Visitors and/or donors.
    • If granted this scholarship, I will only use it for expenses related to my internship experience or to supplement any stipends received.
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