PT-1 Barbara Ellen Gerlich-Hoefeyzer Scholarship

The Barbara Ellen Gerlich-Hoefeyzer Scholarship fund was initiated in honor of her many contributions to the physical therapy profession, and is used for student scholarships, fellowships, programs and services in the Physical Therapy Program.

Eligibility Criteria
Enrolled as a first year DPT student at UW-Madison at time of application and to be directed at tuition only. Must have an academic achievement of 3.5 minimum cumulative GPA based on a 4.0 system.

How to Apply
Prepare 2-3 paragraph response, maximum of 500 words, to the scholarship you would like to be considered for. Show your evidence of potential service to UW-Madison, as well as potential leadership in the field of Physical Therapy. Also, show your plans for a career in Physical Therapy with a preference given to person interested in research or academia.

Selection Criteria
The recipient will be selected by the UW-Madison DPT Program’s scholarship committee and notified via email by April 25, 2025.

Award Information
There are two scholarships available for $2,000 each directed at tuition only.

Conditions of Award
If, in the opinion of the committee, there are no acceptable candidates, a scholarship may not be given this year.

Doctor of Physical Therapy Program