CALS Senior Awards

College of Agricultural and Life Sciences
Supplemental Questions
  1. Annually, the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences selects outstanding seniors who have demonstrated excellence in academics, leadership, and service to the University, the College, and the community. Recognition for these awards includes a financial stipend from CALS as well as an opportunity to meet with Dean Gillaspy.

    Students with a cumulative grade point average of 3.00 or greater, who will graduate in the 2025 calendar year (May, August, or December), and have been attending UW-Madison for at least 3 semesters are eligible for these awards.

    To apply, you must complete the application questions below. The application deadline is Monday, March 10th 2025 at 11:59 p.m. CST. Late applications will not be considered.

    What is your anticipated graduation date? (Ex: May 2025)

  2. Wisconsin Experience Essay

    Based on your experiences at UW-Madison, describe your learning and growth related to the four core concepts of the Wisconsin Experience (, and describe how you will build on your Wisconsin Experience in the future. Short essay should be approximately 500 words.

  3. Leadership and Service

    Please upload a resume up to 2 pages in length that highlights your Leadership, Service, and Honors/Awards while in college. Include only activities or awards that you have pursued or completed during college. Transfer students may include activities from previous institutions.

    For leadership and service activities, make sure to include the name of the organization, position(s) held and the timeline, length of participation, number of hours per week, and a description of your contributions. For length of participation, please include the month and year you started and stopped. (Ex: March 2020-August 2021 OR September 2022-Present). For honors and awards, please include the name of the award, recognizing organization, date received, and an explanation for why you were honored.

    If you need support completing a resume, please access the resume resources offered by CALS Career Services or make an appointment with our career counselors.

    Questions about this award can be directed to