Journal Foundation Walter Jay and Clara Charlotte Damm Scholarship

Since 1992, the Journal Foundation/Walter Jay and Clara Charlotte Damm Fund has carried on Walter’s legacy by providing scholarships to students pursuing careers in radio, television and other media.

FAFSA required prior to awarding decisions. For this specific scholarship, the recipient should intend to pursue a career in radio, television or other news and entertainment, and demonstrated financial need. All other criteria being met, preference is given to students who have a current relationship (e.g., relative of active or retired, full or part-time employees) with Journal Communications, Inc., or one of its subsidiaries. Journal Communications companies include: Journal Sentinel, Inc. (including Metro Parent), Journal Broadcast Group, and Journal Community Publishing Group.

Who is eligible to apply?
Declared School of Journalism and Mass Communication majors
Seniors graduating in the spring or summer terms

Who is not eligible to apply?
Seniors graduating in December of the current term

Donor Information
Walter Damm was a highly renowned broadcasting pioneer both locally and nationally through his work heading up the Milwaukee Journal Company’s broadcast operations for 36 years. His wife, Clara, left instructions in her will to create a scholarship that would help students who held the same kind of passion for the media as did her husband.

School of Journalism and Mass Communication