School of Pharmacy Pharmacology & Toxicology Program Scholarship Application

School of Pharmacy
Supplemental Questions
  1. Please select your program year for this coming fall.
  2. What is the average number of hours per week that you worked during the last 12 months?
    • 1. Summer (May 2024-August 2024):
    • 2. Current Academic Year (September 2024 to present)
  3. EMPLOYMENT HISTORY: List up to 3 employment experiences you have had within the last 12 months.
    • 1. Organization/Company
    • 2. Location (City, State)
    • 3. Position/Title
    • 4. Description
    • 5. Start Date
    • 6. End Date
    • 7. Hours per week
  4. Describe any unique circumstances that have limited your ability to participate in student organization and/or volunteer/service activities.
  5. STUDENT INVOLVEMENT HISTORY: List up to 10 student organizations you have participated in within the last 12 months.
    • 1. Organization/Club
    • 2. Position/Title held, if any and start/end dates (example: President (May 20XX-April 20XX), Member (September 20XX – April 20XX)
    • 3. Description of involvement and key responsibilities. List events/activities attended. Include description of leadership responsibilities, if any. (example: 8 meetings, health fair x1, MEDiC clinic x1).
    • 4. Total hours in last 12 months spent on activities as part of this organization. Include hours spent as part of leadership responsibilities.
  6. How many total hours did you spend on student organization activities over the past year? Add up the hours spent on student organization activities listed above. Be sure that the total number of hours is in agreement with the hours from the previous question. Do not include any hours that you completed as part of your IPPEs/co-curriculars or courses.
  7. VOLUNTEER/SERVICE HISTORY: List up to 10 volunteer experiences you have had within the last 12 months.
    • 1. Organization/Club
    • 2. Position/Title held, if any and start/end dates (example: President (May 20XX-April 20XX), Member (September 20XX – April 20XX)
    • 3. Description of involvement and key responsibilities. List events/activities attended. Include description of leadership responsibilities, if any. (example: 8 meetings, health fair x1, MEDiC clinic x1).
    • 4. Total hours in last 12 months spent on activities as part of this organization. Include hours spent as part of leadership responsibilities.
  8. In the last 12 months, how many hours did you spend on non-student organization volunteer/service activities? Add up the hours spent on volunteer/service activities above. Be sure that the total number is in agreement with the hours from the previous question. Do not include hours completed for academic credit such as IPPEs/co-curriculars or courses.
  9. If you are currently or have previously participated in research while an undergraduate student (paid, volunteer, or for independent study credit), please list the following for each experience (if applicable):
    • A brief (1-2 sentences) description of your research project or research focus of the lab (50 word limit for this bullet)
    • Approximate dates of participation (example: September 2023-present)
    • Department of the PI/faculty mentor
    • PI/faculty mentor's name (if you worked under a grad student, post-doc, or scientist, please list the faculty member in charge of the overall lab or project) Department of
  10. RESEARCH/PUBLICATION HISTORY: List up to 3 publications in which you have participated within the last academic year.
    • 1. Organization
    • 2. Research/Publication Title
    • 3. Description
    • 4. Publication date
  11. POSTER/RESEARCH PRESENTATION: List up to 3 poster/research presentations in which you have participated within the last academic year.
    • 1. Organization
    • 2. Poster/Research Presentation Title
    • 3. Description
    • 4. Date of presentation
  12. AWARDS & HONORS HISTORY: List up to five awards/honors received within the last academic year. Do not include scholarships received in the past or honor roll recognition.
    • 1. Award/Honor
  13. Essay: What do you consider to be the most positive aspect of your college education up to this point? Please describe with a specific example. What made this experience positive for you? What implications might this have for your professional future?
  14. The following questions are used to help committee members in understanding and assessing your financial need outside of a stated FAFSA score. Your responses to these questions will not be shared outside of the Scholarships Committee.
    • 1. I am from a family that currently receives or has previously received public assistance (e.g. Aid to Families with Dependent Children, food stamps, Medicaid, public housing).
    • 2. Have you received a federal Pell grant, Bucky's Tuition Promise scholarship, Mercile J. Lee scholarship, Bucky's Pell Pathway, or BANNER grant in the past?
    • 3. Are you solely responsible for your tuition, room, and board?
    • 4. Please indicate any special circumstances that should be taken into consideration in the review of your financial need. Please include care of others, major family illnesses, and dependents. Please be specific.
  15. OPTIONAL: By providing your cell phone number, you consent to receive text message reminders about scholarship post-acceptance deadlines. Phone numbers will only be used to follow-up on scholarship-related materials and will not be shared elsewhere.
  16. Scholarship offers are made in July, with post-acceptance materials due August 1st. Do you agree to complete any post-acceptance requirements (i.e. thank you note, student profile, meeting with donor as requested, etc.) by deadlines provided with the scholarship offer? Failure to complete these requirements or meet these deadlines could result in the scholarship offer being revoked.
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