PT-2 Jean L. Roland Scholarship

This fund was established to honor Jean L. Roland for her distinguished career as a physical therapist, for her service to children with disabilities, and to recognize her many contributions to the profession of physical therapy.

Eligibility Criteria
Student must be enrolled as a second-year physical therapy DPT student at UW-Madison at time of application. This scholarship will be awarded to a DPT student who has an academic achievement of a 3.5 minimum cumulative gpa on a 4.0 scale.

How to Apply
Prepare 2-3 paragraph responses, up to 500 words, to the scholarship you would like to be considered for. Show your plans for a career in physical therapy, as well as your interest in working with children, and evidence of service to the University of Wisconsin-Madison and/or community especially as it relates to children.

Selection Criteria
The recipient will be selected by the UW-Madison DPT Program’s scholarship committee and notified via email by April 25, 2025.

Award Information
There will be TWO scholarships available each for $750 to the selected student to be directed at tuition.

Conditions of Award
If, in the opinion of the committee, there are no acceptable candidates, a scholarship may not be given this year.

Doctor of Physical Therapy Program