Chinese Language Learners Bridge Fund Scholarship

The CLLBF Annual Spring Scholarship recognizes one non-native Mandarin speaker for their passion and commitment to bridging language and culture, both inside and outside the classroom. The scholarship recognizes a student declared in the Chinese major or Chinese professional communication certificate. The Chinese faculty from the Department of Asian Languages and Cultures will review applications.

1. Student must be a non-native speaker (someone who is not only him- or herself not a native speaker, nor someone who grew up in the home of native-speaker parents),
2. a cum GPA of 3.0 or above.

The Application should reflect the below qualities:
• A strong foundation in Mandarin Chinese in reading, writing, listening and speaking,
• Dedication and passion to learning the language and understanding of Chinese culture.
• A proven ability to create bridges between UW-Madison and China, through knowledge sharing and/or friendships inside and outside the classroom.
• A clear intention to utilize their language skills post-graduation.
• Clarification on how the scholarship funds will be used (i.e., China study abroad program, private tutoring, or any other immersive activity).

Supplemental Questions
  1. Major(s) & Certificate(s), please note college if not L&S:
  2. Expected Graduation Date
  3. Upload your Resume
  4. Please share experiences on campus that have showcased your dedication and passion to learning the language and understanding of Chinese culture. Or examples of how you have attempted to provide a bridge between UW-Madison and China, through knowledge sharing and/or friendships inside and outside the classroom.
  5. Provide a statement about your plans to use Chinese language skills post-graduation.
  6. How do you plan to use the scholarship funds (i.e., China study abroad program, tuition, or any other activity).
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