Russian Flagship Program


The University of Wisconsin-Madison Russian Flagship Program offers highly-motivated students of any major the opportunity to reach a professional level of competence in Russian by graduation.

The program welcomes applications from students of all levels of Russian language proficiency, including students with a Russian language background, heritage learners, and students with no prior experience in Russian.

Successful applicants have a cumulative post-secondary GPA of at least 3.0 and, if they have taken courses in Russian before, a cumulative GPA in Russian courses of at least 3.5.

Students must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents to be eligible for Language Flagship scholarships. Students with dual citizenship must travel to Russian Flagship study abroad programs on their U.S. passport and be recognized as a U.S. national for the duration of their stay overseas. Students are not eligible for a Language Flagship scholarship if they are dual citizens of the United States and of the country in which they are studying abroad. Students who are dual citizens of the United States and Kazakhstan are not eligible to participate in the Russian Overseas Flagship capstone program.

The program has two priority deadlines:

  • November 15, for those who want to begin in the spring.
  • March 15, for those who want to begin in the summer or fall.

Before starting the application, please make sure to gather the following documents and information:

  • Transcripts from all post-secondary institutions attended (other than UW-Madison). Electronic versions of transcripts can be uploaded in the online application form. Unofficial transcripts are acceptable. If you are a high school senior (who has been admitted to UW-Madison) or a first-year student enrolled in Slavic 101: First Semester Russian, please also submit your high school transcript.
  • Statement of purpose (500 words): Why are you interested in the UW-Madison Russian Flagship Program? How does the program fit with your educational and career goals? In answering these questions, describe experiences that you have had to date that prepare you for this intensive program.
  • Self-evaluation of Russian language proficiency in speaking, reading, and listening. (Please note that your response to this question will not affect your application status and is for informational purposes only.)
  • Two letters of recommendation, due to the Russian Flagship Program on or before the application deadline (November 15 or March 15). At least one letter should be from a foreign language teacher; if you have studied Russian before, at least one reference must be from one of your Russian instructors.

For more information about the Russian Flagship, please visit the program’s website,, or contact the program’s coordinator, Jacob Aehl,

Up to $15,000 for eligible program activities. Available to admitted students only.
Language Institute
Supplemental Questions
  1. Please list any Russian courses or programs that you completed prior to college. Please make sure to describe the course or program's setting (e.g., community school, Russian language camp, intensive summer program, study abroad, etc.) If you earned college credit as a high school student, please list those courses in response to the next question.
  2. List all college-level Russian language or area studies coursework or programs for which you earned college credit, even if you completed a course while still in high school. For college courses, please include the number of hours per week of class meeting time, the total number of weeks in the semester or quarter, and your final grade in the course.
  3. How would you rate your current proficiency in Russian in speaking? Please note that your response to this question will not affect your application status and is for informational purposes only.
  4. How would you rate your current proficiency in Russian in reading? Please note that your response to this question will not affect your application status and is for informational purposes only.
  5. How would you rate your current proficiency in Russian in listening? Please note that your response to this question will not affect your application status and is for informational purposes only.
  6. What language(s) do you speak at home?
  7. Please list any pre-college or college-level courses in languages other than Russian.
  8. In order of importance to you, please list any academic or leadership awards, extra-curricular activities, and/or employment experiences that you feel would be of relevance to your application to the Russian Flagship Program.
  9. Statement of Purpose: Why are you interested in the UW-Madison Russian Flagship Program? How does the program fit with your educational and career goals? In answering these questions, please describe experiences that you have had to date that prepare you for this intensive program. Please limit your response to 500 words. (You may wish to draft your answer in a word processor and then copy and paste below.)
  10. Please upload transcripts from all post-secondary institutions attended. If you are currently in high school or if this is your first semester at UW-Madison, please provide your high school transcript. Please note, if your transcript includes your social security number, please contact us for an alternative method to submitting it. Please do not upload or e-mail a transcript that displays your social security number! Please note that unofficial copies of transcripts are acceptable.
    • Transcript 1
    • Transcript 2
    • Transcript 3
  11. Please solicit letters of recommendation from two academic references who could speak to your preparedness for this program. At least one letter should be from a foreign language teacher; if you have studied Russian before, at least one reference must be from one of your Russian instructors. Please enter the name and e-mail address of each of your references below. They will receive an automated message from the Wisconsin Scholarship Hub ( with a link to detailed instructions on how complete the reference request. Please make sure to check with your references to make sure they receive this request.
    • Reference 1
    • Reference 2
  12. How did you find out about the UW-Madison Russian Flagship Program?
  13. Contracted ROTC cadets are eligible for special funding opportunities through the Russian Flagship Program. If you are currently participating in an ROTC program or plan to participate in an ROTC program, please indicate the branch below.
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