Human Ecology Mentored Teaching Fellowship

The Robin A. Douthitt Award honors the lifework of Robin Douthitt, Vaughan Bascom Professor Emerita and Dean Emerita of the School of Human Ecology. After completing her PhD in microeconomics at Cornell University and coming to Madison in 1986, Dean Douthitt founded the Women’s Faculty Mentoring Program. She also served on the University of Wisconsin Athletic Board and earned many honors as a consumer science faculty member. As Dean of Human Ecology from 2001 – 2012, she spearheaded a decade-long $52.5 million renovation and expansion of the School’s state-of-the-art facility, now known as Nancy Nicholas Hall. Dean Douthitt has also been recognized as one of Human Ecology’s 100 Women.

This award provides a 9-month (Fall/Spring), 50%* mentored teaching assistantship that will pair a graduate student with a faculty or faculty associate for the purpose of providing a substantive classroom teaching experience. The assistantship is to involve guidance on course development and instructional techniques for teaching undergraduate courses or sections. The assistantship is intended to support top graduate students (incoming or continuing) who are seeking teaching experience in preparation for a career in higher education. It is also intended to help the School develop innovative teaching and learning pedagogies (e.g., advance Educational Innovation).

*Students and faculty advisors should draft proposals with the understanding that a 50% teaching assistantship translates to approximately 360 hours of mentored TA work throughout each 18-week semester.

Incoming or continuing MFA or PhD graduate student in good academic standing and making satisfactory progress

Required Application Materials

  1. Letter from the faculty member (no more than 2 pages) who will serve as the student’s mentor that indicates with which course(s) the student would assist, a description of the plans for course innovation, and describes how the teaching mentorship would benefit the student
  2. Student statement (no more than 1 page) including reasons for graduate study that include a focus on teaching in higher education and specific goals to be achieved through this teaching fellowship
  3. Student curriculum vitae—one page maximum, including cumulative GPA
  4. A confidential letter from the Department Chair* that indicates how this proposal fits with departmental teaching needs and aligns with the department’s strategic planning—may also speak to the quality of the proposal and the degree to which the applicant pair is likely to achieve their objectives

*Department Chairs should deliver/email the confidential letters directly to the Graduate Program Office.

Review Criteria
Applications will be evaluated and ranked by the SoHE Graduate Program Committee (GPC) according to the following criteria:

  1. Clear case for how the course innovation and mentored teaching experience will benefit the graduate student and the students in the course
  2. Importance of the fellowship to the student’s stated professional development
  3. Quality of student’s academic record and professional achievements as demonstrated through the CV
  4. Quality letter of support from the Department Chair

Supplemental Questions
  1. Please upload a single document containing all of the required application materials (excluding the confidential faculty advisor letter) here. See here for a list of required materials:
  2. A one-page letter from your faculty advisor with this single sentence and their signature: I have reviewed this proposal and endorse the student’s candidacy for this teaching fellowship. Should be emailed directly to the graduate program office at