Exxat Student Scholarships

The Exxat team is proud to support health sciences education and is offering sixteen $1000 scholarships to students in four categories this year: Scholarly Productivity, Diversity and Inclusion, Leadership, and Care for Underserved Communities.

SMPH students who are interested in being nominated for the awards above, should submit the essay portion of the application and a CV by 8 am, Monday, April 22 . Essays will be reviewed by Student Services and 4 students, one in each category, will be selected to move on to the application portion of scholarship. Students will be notified by Wednesday, April 24 so they can have time to complete the rest of the application packet due by 8am, Thursday, May 9. No exceptions to the deadlines will be made.

If selected as one of the four students, applicants will need to commit to submitting the rest of the application materials (found at the link below) to StudentServices@med.wisc.edu. This includes:

  • Cover Letter – A letter that is your opportunity to provide a brief synopsis of their intent and qualification for this award.
  • Completed Application Form (The application you are selected as a nominee for)
  • Typed Essay of no more than 3 pages (12 point font, 1 inch margins) on the award-specific topic presented in the application form (the essay you submitted to Student Services for nomination). Essay prompts are:
    -Scholarly Productivity and Achievement: How do your scholarly contributions help to further your future profession and/or healthcare?
    -Diversity and Inclusion: In what ways is your experience as a diverse student an asset to your future role as a healthcare provider?
    -Leadership: As a healthcare provider, leadership, and the ability to serve as a member of a team are both important skills. How do you feel your experience as a leader has prepared you to serve as a member of a collaborative healthcare team?
    -Care for Underserved Communities: There are many barriers to receiving care to residents of an underserved community. What is a barrier you have personally addressed through volunteer work, employment, or clinical education placements?
  • Recommendation from a licensed/experiential supervisor in your field of study (standard recommendation form included in the packet)

SMPH will submit a single student for consideration in each award area to the Exxat awards committee on May 15, 2024.

The Exxat awards committee will select and notify the award recipients on July 31, 2024.

“The different applications can be viewed in CANVAS”: https://canvas.wisc.edu/courses/377257/pages/forms-calendars-and-registration-information)

Contact Jack Fischer with any questions (jack.fischer@wisc.edu)

Supplemental Questions
  1. If selected as a scholarship nominee, I commit to completing the full application by 8am,Thursday, May 9. Which includes cover letter, application form, essay, and recommendation from a licensed/experiential supervisor
  2. Which Exxact Scholarship are you applying to?
  3. Exxat Essay Upload (no more than 3 pages, 12 point font, 1 inch margins) on the award-specific topic presented in the application form. Label document: Lname_Fname_topic
  4. I understand SMPH will provide their required letter of recommenation if my application is selected to be submitted.
  5. Attach a copy of your CV.