CALS Undergraduate Research Award

College of Agricultural and Life Sciences
Supplemental Questions
  1. To assist with matching student awards with available funds directed toward various fields of interest, please answer the following questions.
    • 1. Major(s)
    • 2. Do you consider yourself pre-health?
    • 3. Department in which you plan to do the proposed research
    • 4. In whose lab are you planning to do research?
    • 5. What semester do you anticipate doing the work proposed here?
    • 6. How many semesters have you done research in this lab?
    • 7. Your anticipated graduation term?
    • 8. What general area describes your research project?
  2. RESEARCH MENTOR RECOMMENDATION (required): A recommendation from your research mentor is required for this application. Provide your research mentor's information below – this should be the PI of the laboratory in which you are doing your proposed research. Your research mentor will be emailed with instructions on how to complete the online recommendation form. By submitting this application, you hereby voluntarily waive your right under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 to inspect and review the recommendation. This is a permanent waiver, revocable only upon written permission of the recommendation writer.
    • 1. Research Mentor Name/Email
    • 2. Research Mentor Department
  3. Upload a research proposal (no more than 2 double-spaced pages). The research proposal is expected to be written by you (the student) with limited written input from your research mentor(s). The research proposal should be able to be understood by a scientific reader who is not an expert in your field. Remember that those reviewing the applications are likely to be outside your academic field and therefore will be unfamiliar with specialized terminology of your discipline. Your research proposal should have the following:

    • Project title
    • Introduction (to include previous results, background, literature review, overview of the project.)
    • Statement of research questions(s) and hypotheses (goal, aim, purpose, etc.)
    • Procedures (an overview of methodology and experimental design. Remember your audience – include enough detail for them to understand how you will address your question(s) yet not delve into the technical details.)
    • Conclusion/future direction

    • Not to be included in the 2 page limit:
    • References cited
    • A statement of what assistance you will be getting for this project (e.g. Will you be collaborating with other students? Who will be your direct mentor in the lab if not the PI of the lab? etc)