Richard P. & Mary Bartlett Bunge Neurobiology Scholarship

The Richard P. and Mary Bartlett Bunge Neurobiology Scholarship provides a one-time award recognizing meritorious neurobiology students.

Eligible recipients must be undergraduates who have declared a Neurobiology major, with strong academic records, financial need with preference for students from rural Wisconsin. Scholarships with a financial need component require a completed FAFSA form on file with UW-Madison.

Students must be in and maintain good standing and full-time enrollment in the College of Letters & Science with a declared major in Neurobiology.

This scholarship is made available by the generosity of Dr. Mary Bartlett Bunge in memory of her beloved husband, Dr. Richard P. Bunge.

Student financial aid packages can be impacted by scholarship awards. It is recommended that students contact the financial aid office to learn about impact on current aid packages.

Department of Integrative Biology
Supplemental Questions
  1. (Neurobiology) This award is for a student in the Neurobiology major. Please tell the selection committee about your specific interest in Neuroscience. What drew you to the neurobiology major and how do you hope to put your education into practice?
  2. (Neurobiology) The selection committee has been asked to prioritize eligible students by financial need and rural background. Please tell us about your hometown/place or origin and describe how this award will help you to continue your studies at the UW-Madison.
  3. (Neurobiology) Is there any other information the scholarships committee should know about you pertaining to the review and assessment of your application? This is your opportunity to tell us about any extenuating circumstances (financial or otherwise), challenges, identity and/or family experiences and history, exceptional talents or accomplishments, or other factors that are not contained in other areas of the application that may impact its review. Diversity of all kinds is valued. We welcome you to share information about communities with which you identify. Please be specific when presenting the additional information while honoring your need for privacy and discretion.
  4. (Neurobiology) Please upload your resume (PDF) including paid employment and unpaid engagement in the following: campus organizations and activities, employment, membership in honoraries or honors received, community service and research. Briefly describe your participation or position beginning with the most recent. Include beginning and end dates and hours per week. Please limit submission to 2 pages. Submit as PDF.
  5. (Bunge & Simons) After the fall grades have been recorded (late December/early January), please upload your most up-to-date unofficial transcript. For instructions on how to do this, go to

    Request unofficial transcript

    If you are submitting your application prior to the posting of fall semester grades, please return to your application after grades have been posted and upload your transcript at that time. Applications without fall semester grades may be adversely evaluated.