Chris Hedrick Logterman Scholarship for Transfer Students

The Chris Hedrick Logterman Transfer Scholarship was lovingly created by the family, friends, and colleagues of Chris. This scholarship is a tribute to the impact of Chris’ work in improving the student experience for Letters & Science undergraduates as an advisor and leader with the L&S Academic Advising Service and later as the English department advisor. In her work she was a champion for both transfer and first generation undergraduates.

Letters & Science transfer students who are enrolling for the upcoming academic year with financial need, who are first generation, and from rural areas of Wisconsin are eligible to receive for this award of up to $1,500.

Student evaluation using admission applications, donor criteria and College of Letters & Science criteria (academic excellence, community service, leadership, diversity, strength of character, and creative accomplishment). In addition, scholarships with a financial need component require a completed FAFSA form on file with UW-Madison. Students who are not current recipients of Letters & Science multi-year scholarships are given priority. Students must be in and maintain good standing and full-time enrollment in the College of Letters & Science.

Student financial aid packages can be impacted by scholarship awards. It is recommended that students contact the financial aid office to learn about impact on current aid packages.

For more general information about Letters & Science scholarships visit the L&S Scholarships website.

College of Letters and Science