Elizabeth Vergeront 4-H Scholarship

This scholarship was at the bequest of the late Glen W. Vergeront, Arcadia, California, to the University of Wisconsin. Mr. Vergeront received a B.A. degree from the University of Wisconsin in 1914, was a County Agricultural Representative from 1921-22 to 1935-16, was an assistant professor of Dairy Husbandry from 1936-37 to 1953-54, and was appointed Emeritus Professor of Dairy Husbandry July 1, 1954. Glen’s generosity and kind gifts are still being felt by CALS students each academic year.

Eligibility Criteria
Awarded to a CALS sophomore who has completed at least 3 years of 4-H work including at least one year of active participation as a junior leader.

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College of Agricultural and Life Sciences