Sally J. Phillips Travel Award

Sally J. Phillips established this scholarship to support graduate students travel to conferences. She was a founding member of the American Society of Biomechanics and found meeting leaders and hearing ideas was important to her career and research growth. She wishes others to have this same positive experience.

Eligibility Criteria
To support graduate students in the Department of Kinesiology with travel (may include transportation, lodging, food and/or conference fees) to regional, national or international conferences in order to present an authored research paper either orally or as a poster.

Application Information
To match to, apply for, and accept scholarships, students login to the Wisconsin Scholarship Hub (WiSH) using their UW–Madison NetID and password. Complete the general application and all recommended applications that follow to be considered for the widest variety of scholarship opportunities. For this specific scholarship, please contact School of Education – Kinesiology Department for application information.

Department of Kinesiology, School of Education