WEMPEC Power Engineering Masters Program Scholarship

The Wisconsin Electric Machines and Power Electronics Consortium (www.wempec.wisc.edu) is pleased to announce scholarships to support students enrolled in the UW-Madison ECE Department’s MS (Professional) degree program for students specializing in the area of power electronics, electric machines and drives, subject to availability of funds and suitable candidates of interest. Students who are admitted to the program to specialize in the area of power and energy systems are eligible to apply for the scholarship. Scholarships may be awarded in amounts ranging from $7,000-$13,000 per semester to cover the tuition fees of students towards their degree program. In order to receive the tuition scholarship, student’s course registration during the term must include more than two-third courses from the specified list (ECE 411, 412, 427, 512, 504, 711, 712, 713, 714).

Up to $10,000
Supplemental Questions
  1. What is your intended date of matriculation?
  2. Please provide a list of power engineering (power electronics, electric machines, electric drives, solar power, wind power, power systems, etc.) courses you have a taken as an undergraduate.
  3. Please provide a summary of hands-on hardware laboratory experience(s) or project(s) that you have completed during your undergraduate career, if any.
  4. Have you been involved in any of the following activities or associations during your undergraduate career? (Please describe, in the short answer that follows, your level of participation in these activities.)
  5. Please describe your involvement in the activities or associations above or in any other activities or organizations in the community. If you have held any leadership positions or overseen special projects in these organizations, please include that information.
  6. Please provide a list of UW-Madison ECE courses in the area of power and energy systems that you are most interested in during your graduate program at UW-Madison.
  7. Give examples of companies active in power engineering that you would be interested in for doing an engineering co-op or internship during your MS program.
  8. Are you interested in a career in any of the following? (In your essay below, please provide details about your career interest or experience in any of these areas.)
  9. Briefly describe previous work experience, internships, and/or co-ops in the field, including dates of employment and number of hours worked per week.
  10. Please describe your financial need (if any) and any special circumstances that you'd like the committee to know about. What are your sources of support for your education including previous scholarships and awards for the upcoming school year.
  11. Provide an essay of not more than 500 words describing yourself, your interests, educational and professional goals, awards and achievements, and other background information or experiences that may be beneficial to your application, including any involvement in research, projects, or work that is related to power engineering (Please focus on experiences and achievements since starting college.)
  12. Optional Resume and other documents can be uploaded here. Please note that submitting a resume is not a substitute for answering the questions above.
  13. I hereby certify that the information is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge and I also hereby authorize release of information on this application to individuals, parties, or agencies involved in the determination of my eligibility and qualifications for a scholarship.
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