Charles G. Meyer Undergraduate Study Abroad Travel Award

Eligibility Criteria
The purpose of this scholarship is to provide support to undergraduate students in the Nelson Institute who are participating in traditional (non-internship), for-credit, international study-abroad programs.

Preference will be given to students participating in semester-long or year-long study-abroad programs.

Student applicants must be enrolled full-time in and actively pursuing one of the following Nelson Institute programs: 1) Undergraduate Certificate in Environmental Studies, 2) Undergraduate Major in Environmental Studies.

Student applicants must be in good academic standing, with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher.

Student applicants must be at least one full academic year away from graduation. Students in their final year of studies are INELIGIBLE to apply.

How to Apply
Apply for this scholarship by completing the Nelson Institute Undergraduate Study Abroad Scholarships application in the Wisconsin Scholarship Hub (WiSH).

Donor Information
This scholarship award is made possible via private philanthropy from Mrs. Nancy Meyer, who established this award in honor of her late husband, Mr. Charles G. Meyer.

Scholarship awardees are required to write a thank you letter to Mrs. Meyer and are expected to coordinate with the Nelson Institute’s Director of Advancement & Donor Relations regarding these letters.

Award Information
One $2,000 scholarship is available to be awarded to an undergraduate student during the Spring 2025 scholarship competition.

Applicants will be notified of their selection in April 2025 and will be honored at the Nelson Institute’s Recognition Reception to be held in the Fall of 2025.

Contact: Tara Mohan,

Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies